Flexible Supports for Painting—Canvas

Flexible Supports—Stretched Canvas

Since the sixteenth century, stretched canvas supports have enjoyed immense popularity. They are also a major cause of cracking in paintings. You will learn the advantages and disadvantages of stretched fabrics—linen, cotton, and polyester canvas. We examine the auxiliary supports for stretched canvas—strainers and stretchers—constructed of wood, metal, or plastic. It may surprise you to learn how keys—wedges in the corners of the stretchers for expansion—do more harm than good.

Next, we teach you how to produce perfectly aligned canvases, regardless of size. The benefits of stretching canvas before attaching it to auxiliary supports. We demonstrate a technique for stretching the perfect canvas, creating even tension across the entire surface. We examine the advantages and disadvantages of staples versus tacks and which types to use and to avoid.

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Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons